Latty lab 2021
Dr Tanya Latty
PhD, insect ecology (University of Calgary).
I have a life-long interest in all things invertebrate related. I have worked on a variety of insects including dragonflies, bark beetles, velvet worms, hoverflies, soldier flies, ants, honey bees, stingless bees, bumblebees and solitary bees. I particularly enjoy interdisciplinary collaborations with non-biological disciplines such as computer science, engineering, and mathematics and social sciences.. I am passionate about insect conservation, behaviour and ecology.
Current PhD and Msc Students
Joseph McCormick
Nutritional ecology of flowering resources
Current honours students
Songyu Chai
Flower preferences in hoverflies (Syrphidae)
Eliza Crossley
Colour and pattern preferences in three fly species
Claire Duncan
Effects of fire on velvet worms and other log-dwelling invertebrates
Past lab PhD, Msc and honours Students:
Brett O’Keefe: Unravelling the pollination system of threatened Genoplesium orchids (honours)
Emily Schroder: Where have all the Christmas beetles gone? (honours)
Amelie Vanderstock: Cross-pollinating insect and community resilience in urban environments (PhD)
Yolanda Hanusch: Promoting functional diversity of flower feeding insects (PhD)
Arisa Hosokawa: Behavioural variability in slime moulds (PhD)
Caitlyn Forster: Assessing the impact of empty flowers on foraging behaviour in three bee species (PhD)
Lucinda ‘Indi’ Dunn: Sustainable pest management in Cambodian rice fields (PhD)
Manuel Lequerica Tamara: The Ecology, Behaviour and Evolution of Syrphid Flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) in an Urbanisation Gradient (PhD)
Francisco Garcia Bulle Bueno: stingless bee ecology (PhD)
Manuel Lequerica Tamara: Urban insect ecology (Msc)
Joshua Christie: The evolution of mitochondrial inheritance (PhD)
Arianna Bottineli (Uppsala University): Networks in biological systems (PhD)
Past honours students (note, has not been updated since 2019)
Honours students (Faculty of Science):
Christopher Tompkins: The response of ant communities to periodic flooding
Perrin Tasker: Parasitism in native bee nesting habitats
Arisa Hosokawa: Urban ecology of slime moulds
Matthew Byatt: The impact of antropogenic translocations on the genetic architecture of native stingless bees
Danya Luo: The economics of meat ant transportation networks
Madeline Ruth De Montfort: Urban bee ecology
Honours/ 4th year project students (Faculty of Agriculture and Environment):
Lily Logan: Bioconversion of poultry waste streams using soldier fly larvae
Rafael Rafael Cuginotti De Oliveira: Developing a system for feeding stingless bees over the winter
Stephanie Mackillop: Bioconversion of low quality food waste by native and exotic soldier fly larvae
Langland Lo: Reducing food wastes with soldier flies
Zoe Paisley: Movement behaviour of Helicoverpa caterpillars in cotton fields
Lisa Paisley: Competitive interactions in Helicoverpa caterpillars
Anastasia Moore: Enhancing crop pollination in community gardens
Edwina Murray: Moth assemblages in conventional and transgenic cotton
Lucinda Dunn: Hoverflies as biological control agents and pollinators in urban agricultural systems
Anastasia Moore: The effect of attractive plants on crop pollination in community gardens
Kade Denton: Nesting material preferences and species identification of native Australian bees in the Sydney basin
Sharna Holman: Testing the critical exposure period required for developing tolerance to BT toxin
Honours students (Faculty of Veterinary Science):
Nicolle Davis: Pollination networks in urban community gardens